Your Act of Generosity,
Our Longevity


With planned giving, you can provide long-lasting support for the Georgia Baptist Foundation while also enjoying many financial benefits for yourself.

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Deferred Giving Solutions

Giving Solutions, such as one of the models listed below, not only provide you the opportunity to empower many Christian ministries, but may also provide you with both tax savings and personal income. Click on a model below to learn more.

  • Through a charitable gift annuity, you transfer your cash or appreciated property to the Georgia Baptist Foundation in exchange for our promise to pay you a fixed income (with age-based rates) for the rest of your life. After your passing, the remaining amount goes to a ministry of your choice.
  • In a charitable remainder unitrust, you transfer your cash or appreciated property to fund a charitable trust. The trust then sells your property (tax-free) and provides you with variable income for life or a term of years.
  • Like a charitable remainder unitrust, in a charitable remainder annuity trust, you transfer your cash or appreciated property to fund a charitable trust. The trust then sells your property (tax-free), and provides you with variable income for life or a term of years.
  • A charitable lead trust allows you to transfer your cash or property to fund a lead trust that in turn, will provide gifts to a Baptist ministry (or ministries) for a number of years. You will receive a charitable deduction for the gift. Upon your passing, your family receives the remainder of the trust at substantial tax savings.
  • You may be seeking a way to provide your children with income while also making a gift to a ministry. The Give it Twice trust is a popular option that allows you to do this. You transfer your IRA or other assets to a unitrust that benefits your loved ones after your passing.
  • By giving a portion of your property to the Foundation to fund a charitable remainder trust, you may save capital gains taxes. You will also receive both cash and income for life after the entire property sells.
  • A life estate reserved offers an opportunity for you to give your home, farm, or other real estate to the Foundation now while still retaining use of the property for remainder of your life. This solution allows you to receive a current charitable tax deduction.
  • In 2014, the U.S. Congress approved a "Permanent IRA Charitable Rollover." This bill now allows you to make an IRA rollover gift for qualified ministries for this year and in future years.
  • A charitable bequest solution allows you to designate a Baptist ministry (or ministries) as the beneficiary of your assets through a will or trust. A bequest can also establish a Legacy Endowment Fund to support ministries for years to come.